Market Participation: Purchasing Credits & Trading
Participating in the Straato Market is very easy. You can buy and sell Straato directly from your Dashboard, when the Market is open for trading.
Straato are bought and sold through “credits” in the Market. Credits inside of the Straato Market are exactly 1:1 with USD and must be purchased through Paypal – you can use whatever payment method you would like inside of Paypal, but you will be responsible for any Paypal transaction fees you incur.
Credits are the only means of trading Straato. When you buy an asset, you will be charged credits directly. Similarly, when you sell an asset (i.e. your offer is purchased), you will receive credits automatically in your account. It is imperative that you connect your Paypal account to Straato in the “Account” page of your dashboard. You may “payout” your credits inside of the Straato Market back into real currency (USD, etc.) through Paypal and the “Account” page of your Dashboard at any time.
Please note that purchasing credits is not yet enabled in the Market, as we are still operating in sandbox mode. Purchasing credits is only relevant to live trading with real money. For now, you may maintain a maximum of $2000 USD of credits in your account at any given time. Any excess funds generated from selling Straato will be immediately paid out through your Paypal account.
Additional Note
Upon the initial start of live trading, you may be unable to immediately sell Straato that you earned for free (by joining, referring other users, etc.). In order to kick off the first live trading cycle, only those users that accrued the most free Straato will be able to sell immediately. Other traders will have to acquire additional assets before being allowed to sell. This is only relevant to the first live trading cycle and is meant as a provision to ensure that the Market functions appropriately upon launch. You will receive additional information pertaining to necessary thresholds and obtaining the ability to sell Straato in your Notifications, prior to the launch of live trading.